At, we are dedicated to upholding the integrity and legality of all content shared on our platform. We have a zero-tolerance policy for piracy and the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.
Policy Overview
No Unauthorized Sharing
Users are prohibited from uploading, sharing, or distributing copyrighted content without explicit permission from the content owner. This prohibition covers, but is not limited to, software, music, videos, books, and other forms of digital media.
Respect for Intellectual Property
We respect the intellectual property rights of others and expect our users to do the same. Content that infringes on these rights is strictly prohibited on our platform.
Reporting Piracy
If you encounter content on our platform that you believe infringes copyright laws or violates our Anti-Piracy Policy, please report it to us immediately. We will investigate all reports and take appropriate action, which may include removing the infringing content and/or suspending or banning the offending accounts.
Consequences of Violation
Users found to be engaging in piracy or facilitating the distribution of pirated content will face serious consequences. These may include the removal of their content, suspension, or permanent banning from our platform.
Legal Compliance
This policy is designed to comply with applicable copyright laws and regulations. Users are responsible for ensuring that their activities conform to these legal requirements.
By using Automotorist, you agree to comply with this Anti-Piracy Policy and acknowledge our commitment to enforcing it to maintain a lawful and respectful online community.